Hello friends! It is the last week of lovely February, and I want to pose an important question. How can I better serve you? Interest rates are super low, which in my line of work is like the golden ticket to the real estate chocolate factory, but what else is important to you, when it comes to real estate questions? What would you all like to see me cover in my posts? My friends and rockstar clientele are what keep me at the top! I’m here for you, so let me hear it!
Once again, I’m reminding you all to book your game ticket and party bus seat for the benefit with the Time Out Shelter at the Phoenix Suns game! They are playing the Dallas Mavericks on March 21st. Tickets to the game are $50. Party bus tickets are $50, and there will be 50/50 raffle tickets for sale at the game. To get your tickets, visit www.timeoutshelter.org and click the “donate now” link. I’ll be there for the fun, of course, and more importantly to raise money for a very worthy cause that is near and dear to my heart. Join me!
Spring is hiding just below the surface, now. Be sure to enjoy these last few weeks of the lovely mild winter we have been blessed with. What plans do you have in place for the budding new season that is about to bloom in this roaring year? We’re all off to a great start, and the second act is about to begin. Are you ready?
Have you checked out my website? It is a great resource, and looks fantastic thanks to my partnership with Axis Culture Group! Take a moment to have a peek at propertyinpayson.com