Every month the awesome team at Payson Premier Dental showcases local pups that need a forever home! This month, I was their special community guest to help them get these babies adopted! Great news! The pup I am holding is Karlie and she found a home immediately!
Dr. Wade is with Bailey, a Jack Russell Terrier mixed with a little chihuahua who crawled right up into her lap. Bailey is an affectionate little guy who gives lots of kisses and love. He’s really spunky and wants to get back into shape!! Small children make him nervous, but older kids are just fine. He is up to date on all their shots, etc, and are ready to go home with you! 😍
Our community takes care of each other in a big way… and our pups are no exception! Thank you Payson Premier team for being such a wonderful business anchor in our community! #soldonrimcountry